St Patrick’s Day
Please read the article on ANZAC here before answering the questions.
1) What does ANZAC stand for?
→ Australian and New Zealand army corps
2) Where in the world were the ANZACs sent to?
- a) Gallipoli b) France
- c) Russia d) Italy
3) When did the ANZAC soldiers arrive at their destination?
- a) 25th April 1915, Dusk b) 25th April 1915, Midday
- c) 25th April 1915, Midnight d) 25th April 1915, Dawn
4) Finish the sentence: The ANZAC soldiers represented courage and perseverance…
→ in the face of failure and despair.
5) How many New Zealander soldiers lost their lives in the Gallipoli Campaign?
- a) 8500 b) 87,000
- c) 2779 d) 44,000
6) True or False: The ANZACs were supposed to land at ANZAC Cove.
- a) True b) False
7) Why was the Gallipoli Campaign seen as a defeat for the ANZACs?
→ because they went to the wrong land and the other soldiers killed them.
8) True or false: Poppies were the first flower to be planted in the mud where many ANZAC soldiers died.
- a) True b) False
9) Why is ANZAC Day such a significant day in History for New Zealand?
→because the New Zealanders soldiers died for our country.